
With a view to professional growth and development

T&T has two workshops

aimed to increase its portfolio of offering and to train highly specialized resources.


The skills acquired and the presence in the workforce of highly specialized professionals allow to:

  • Activate Fast Prototyping, PoC (Proof of Concept) Development and TRL improvement processes
  • Realize embedded systems with Hard Real Time constraints for Signal/Data Processing, using Custom IP HDL on FPGA or SoC with RTOS/Bare Metal
  • Manage and customize communication protocols via FPGA/SoC with IPCore custom or through proprietary software libraries
  • Implement Commando consoles, C++ control on multi-platform environments (IDE Qt), for Linux OS and Windows OS
  • Develop and apply Image Recognition and Object Detection algorithms
  • RCNN, SSD, YOLO... with OpenCV libraries or through the integration of third-party libraries
  • Create Custom Hardware with integrated protection and dissipation mechanics
  • Multilayer PCB (power/analog/digital up to 16 Layers)
  • IP Protection, Fanless Power Dissipation, Environmental vibration


A staff of consolidated experience offers specialized solutions for the design, development, manage¬ment and maintenance of systems and software services. Moreover, it offers a high level of technical knowledge in:

  • Advanced Data Analysis (Machine Learning Datasets Design, Data mining, Predictive Algorithm)
  • Object Oriented Programming (JAVA EE, C#, C++, Objective-C)
  • Mobile Programming (Android, iOS)
  • Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) e Service-Oriented Computing (SOC)
  • UML Modeling, DB Design (MySQL, MS SQL, ORACLE, PostgreSQL) /li>
  • Systems integration, Test e Commissioning